Emma-Jayne Browne
CAT Psychotherapist &
Parent Coach

David Browne
Therapeutic Coach
(Individual & Couples)

Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapy (CAT)
CAT is an integration of analytic and cognitive therapy. A relationship focussed, active and collaborative time limited approach involving increasing your understanding and self-awareness of the impact of past experiences and early relationships on your current difficulties. This is particularly seen through identifying the repeated patterns of responding within your relationships with others, how you view the world and how you feel about yourself.
The emphasis is on the importance of the therapeutic relationship which provides the safe base from which you can gain increased self awareness and find alternative ways of relating to yourself and to others which may then produce significant and positive lasting change.
CAT can be used to treat a wide range of mental health difficulties, including anxiety, depression, self -harm, eating disorders and can be particularly helpful with clients who have experienced disrupted attachments and/or developmental trauma during childhood.
For more Information on CAT click the link which will take you to ACAT:
If you'd like to book a free 30 min zoom consultation to see if CAT psychotherapy may be a good fit you, please chose a date and time to suit using the link here: